How to join $SHO mint


  1. If wallet is not installed, install it here.

  2. You must have $USDC.

What is $SHO Mint

The second step in the Shogun launching schedule following Lockdrop, $SHO Mint, is a public sale event where project participants can purchase $SHO tokens at the same price without price discrimination.

✅ $6,500,000 SHO tokens, 6.5% of the total supply, are distributed.

✅ The price of $SHO tokens is determined in proportion to the deposited $USDC.

✅ Partially used to supply SHO-USDC liquidity

✅ $SHO can be Redeemed from Jan 14th AM 12:00:00(GMT+09:00), when the $SHO Mint event ends

$SHO Mint is divided into four stages according to the timeline.

TimelineBefore Jan 7stJan 7th ~ 12thJan 13thAfter Jan 14th


Coming Soon

Unlimited Stage

Withdraw Only Stage

Redeem Stage

Unlimited Stage

민트가 시작되고 첫 6일 동안 진행되는 Unlimited 스테이지 입니다. 참여자들은 $USDC 입출금을 자유롭게 할 수 있습니다. 민트는 7일 동안 진행되지만 예치는 Unlimited 에서만 가능하기 때문에 6일차까지만 가능하다는 점입니다.

The first six days of Mint are the Unlimited Stage. Participants can freely deposit and withdraw $USDC. Please note that Mint will last for 7 days, but you can only make a deposit at the Unlimited stage, so you can no longer make a deposit after 6 days.

How to deposit $USDC

  1. Press Deposit button

  2. If you are new to Shogun, press the Approve button to execute the transaction. (This transaction only needs to be executed once for the first time)

  3. Deposit button is activated by entering the amount of depositable $USDC. Click this button to execute the transaction.

How to withdraw your $USDC

  1. Click Withdraw button to display a pop-up for withdrawal.

  2. When a withdrawal pop-up appears, Withdraw button is activated by entering the amount of withdrawal available. Click this button to execute the transaction.

Withdraw Only Stage

The last day of Mint is the Withdraw Only Stage. At this stage, participants will no longer be able to deposit money to $SHO Mint. You can withdraw only once and the amount you can withdraw is also reduced by 1/24 per hour

The amount of withdrawal is known as Withdrawable USDC, which is shown in red on the screen. For example, if the user has deposited 1000 USDC and an hour has passed on this stage, you can withdraw 958.333 USDC (1000 - 41.666 USDC)

Redeem Stage

$SHO 민트 이벤트가 종료되면 참여자가 분배받는 $SHO의 개수가 정해지며 쇼군 관리자에 의해 민트에 할당된 6,500,000 SHO 가 배포되면 참여자는 구매한 $SHO 토큰을 받을 수 있게 됩니다.

At the end of the $SHO mint event, the number of $SHOs that participants receive will be determined, and when the 6.5M SHOs allocated to Mint by the Shogun admin are distributed, participants will receive the purchased $SHO token.

  1. Press Redeem button to display a pop-up that allows you to redeem $SHO.

  2. When the Redeem pop-up appears, press Redeem button to execute the transjection.

  3. You will receive $SHO when the transaction is completed. If you can't see $SHO token in your wallet while using the Metamask wallet, check this and add the $SHO token to your wallet.

Last updated