Launch Schedule


Phase 1: shoMESH-MESH Lockdrop Period: (1/1~ 1/5 23:59:59 KST)

Phase 2: SHO MINT (Price Discovery Period): (1/7~ 1/13 23:59:59 KST)

Phase 3: Drops Whitelisting Period (1/10 ~ 1/15 23:59:59 KST)

Phase 4: TGE (Token Generation Event) Launch: (1/16)

  1. SHO-USDC LP Farm Launch: (1/16)

  2. Drops Distributed (1/16)

Phase 5: Main Protocol Launch: (Between 1/20)

  1. shoMESH - MESH LP Farm

  2. shoMESH Converter

  3. xSHO / vxSHO Govern

  4. Vote

Phase 6: shoMESH Farm Launch: (Between 1/21 ~ 1/28)


Phase 1: shoMESH-MESH Lockdrop Period: (1/1~ 1/5 23:59:59 KST) (2.5% for 6 months)

  • The very first event of Shogun Protocol’s Launch Sequence.

What is a Lockdrop?

  • Lockdrop is an event that distributes new project tokens to various token holders or participants.

  • Generally, project token holders lock up their tokens in a smart contract for a certain period of time to get token rewards. The longer the lock-up period, the more tokens they receive.

This is a 5 Day event with the specification is as below:

  • Incentive Tokens for Distribution: 2,500,000 SHO

  • Formula for receiving Incentive Tokens: Multipliers differ proportional to the number of MESHs x Lockup Period that users participate in lock-drop. The longer the lock-up period, the more SHO tokens users get to receive.

  • Lockup Period: Users can choose from Minimum of 1 Month to Maximum of 12 Months for the MESH Lock Period.

Lockup Periods

1 Months

3 Months

6 Months

9 Months

12 Months







Lockup Rules:

  • Users can freely deposit and withdraw unlimited MESH for the first 4 days only.

  • For the last day (5th day) of the lockdrop period, deposits are not possible, withdrawals are possible only once, and the amount that can be withdrawn decreases by 1/24 every hour.

Things that happens after Lockdrop ends:

  • The number of SHO tokens to be distributed to each user at the end of the lockdrop is confirmed: Distribution for 6 months from the end of lockdrop. (Vesting starts from TGE : 1/17 00:00:00 KST)

  • 50% of the MESH collected from Lockdrop will be minted into shoMESH and with the remainder MESH it will be formed into a shoMESH-MESH LP in Klayswap + Listing request will be filed.

  • Lockup of shoMESH-MESH LP in proportion to the number of locked-up MESHs per user according to the lockup period.

  • Users can receive shoMESH-MESH LP after the Lockup period ends.

  • User can receive SHO rewards from shoMESH-MESH LP during the Lockup Period

Phase 2: SHO MINT (Price Discovery Period): (1/7~ 1/13 23:59:59 KST) (6.5% of Total Token Issuance)

Price Discovery Model:

  • Alternative of public sale.

  • Early SHO token price is determined proportional to the amount of USDC users deployed.

  • All users participating in the mint will be able to buy the token at the same price.

  • Some USDC collected from MINT will be used in Liquidity provision.

    • Liquidity Provision is held based on the price determined through Mint.

    • Some portions will be used for team resources.

  • SHO will be able to be redeemed after the SHO Minting Period is over (Starting at TGE from 1/14 00:00:00 KST)

Phase 3: Drops Whitelisting (1/10 ~ 1/15 23:59:59 KST) (0.25% of Total Token Issuance)

  • During the whitelisting period, the drops quota is allocated only to the participants who applied for Drops.

Phase 4: TGE (Token Generation Event) Launch: (1/16)

  • Aiming to launch within 1 week after SHO Mint ends.

  • SHO-USDC LP Farm Launch: (1/16) (10.5% Incentives for 2 years) : Purpose of securing and stabilizing liquidity of SHO token.

  • Drops Distributed (1/16)

  • Pool creation (1/16)

Phase 5: Main Protocol Launch : (Between 1/20)

  • shoMESH - MESH LP Farm (7% Incentives for 2 years)

  • Vote / xSHO / vxSHO / shoMESH Converter Launch

Phase 6: shoMESH Farm Launch: (Between 1/21 ~ 1/28) (10% for 1.5 year)

  • The last event of Shogun Protocol’s Launch Sequence.

  • 1 Year long event.

  • SHO token can be received when shoMESH is deposited.

  • The purpose is to continuously bind as many MESHs with shoMESH as possible.

  • Minimize sell pressure on SHO due to boost farming effect by vxSHO.

Last updated