Sigma <-> Shogun

Features changed in Shogun

📖 Few things has been changed in shogun after 4 months of operating Sigma. These numbers can be changed before Shogun mainnet launch. We will inform you if any change happens.

  • MESH staking reward will be converted to shoMesh and then distributed to shoMESH staking user.

    • In Sigma, KSP staking reward distributed in KSP to sigKSP staking user.

    • By changing like this, few hundreads of MESH will be locked automatically in daily basis which means Shogun is able to accumulate vMESH; not to mention stronger pegging.

  • Base/Boost pool reward default ratio changed to 40:60 from 50:50.

    • By changing like this, xSHO holders (vxSHO holders) are incentivized to hold SHO minimizing selling pressure on SHO.

  • vMESH trading fee distribution ratio changed

    • 25% : shoMESH staker (Same)

    • 15% : SHO staker (+10%)

    • 60% : Treasury LP (-10%)

  • There will be a native bribe system.

    • In Sigma, there were no direct incentives to vote for Klayswap's LP pools and governance proposal. This bribe system can be compared to Votium, an incentives platform where vlCVX and veCRV holders can receive compensation from buyers interested in amassing voting power. Shogun will incentivize shoMESH users by enabling delegation to third parties interested in vMESH voting power.

Last updated